Courage. Two protagonists dominate Sara Paretsky’s latest novel,
Body Work: private detective V.I. Warshawsky and the city of Chicago. In the fourteenth novel by Paretsky to feature both these characters they remain both consistent and adapt to what’s going on the world. Over the course of 450 pages, Paretsky brings in the war in Iraq, wounded veterans, the exploitation of women, crime, and corporate malfeasance, all the while using a familiar cast of characters to move the story along. Vic, her cousin and other characters need extra courage to take on all the forces they encounter. Paretsky’s political and social views are rarely disguised in her novels, and some readers may become impatient by this, while others will appreciate her point of view. The plot moved quickly enough for me, and I found myself caring about what happened. I’ve enjoyed this series, and look forward to future installments.
Rating: Three-star (Recommended)
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