Times. If you are considering reading a memoir this year, you can’t go wrong if you choose John Darnton’s
Almost a Family. Darnton’s writing is superb: clear, interesting and engaging. Darnton’s decades of experience as an award-winning writer at
The New York Times inform every chapter of this book. After his retirement, Darnton began to explore the life of his father, Byron Darnton, a
New York Times war correspondent, who was killed by friendly fire in the Pacific in 1942, when John was a toddler. Darnton tells the story of his own life and what he uncovers about the character, personality and professionalism of his late father. Readers who like finely written nonfiction and who prefer reading about real people are those most likely to enjoy this memoir.
Rating: Four-star (Highly Recommended)
Click here to purchase Almost a Family from amazon.com.
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