Camp. We’re coming up on the summer camp season, and this will be a perfect time to read Meg Wolitzer’s novel,
The Interestings. The bonds formed as teens at an arts camp in the early 1970s have endured for decades for an ensemble of characters, each of whom Wolitzer presents and develops with precision. One could try to categorize this novel as a coming of age story, a tale of enduring love and friendship, parenting, social satire, or a sampling of life over the past five decades. This finely written novel is some of all that and more. Wolitzer teased me into the lives of these characters, and once I was there, she helped me care about them. I enjoyed their good times and mourned their losses. Most of all, I understood them as real, complex people whose authenticity holds a mirror to my own life and that of those I know and love. This is a big novel that I enjoyed while reading it, and appreciated all the more after I reflected on it.
Rating: Five-star (I love it)
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