Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Fifth Risk

Mission. Two readers holding different viewpoints should both read Michael Lewis’ book titled, The Fifth Risk. If you believe that the government can’t do anything right, read this book. If you believe that government workers are public servants engaged in carrying out a mission, read this book. Lewis gives readers a peek into three parts of the government within the departments of commerce, energy and agriculture. He explains the real contributions to American life that these parts of the government perform and introduces us to the passion and expertise of people who work for the government and for our citizens. There’s a lot to learn about the good things that the government does, and this book scratches the surface for a few little-appreciated parts of the government. Every citizen, especially those who pay taxes, should consider reading this short book to help reflect on the work being performed for all of us. Rating: Five-star (I love it) Click here to purchase The Fifth Risk from

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