Friday, February 14, 2020

Notre-Dame: A Short History of the Meaning of Cathedrals

Weep. Fans of Ken Follett’s lengthy novels may be shocked by his latest book titled, Notre-Dame: A Short History of the Meaning of Cathedrals. In fewer than one hundred pages, Follett offers a love letter to Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. Readers weep with him following the recent fire, and he reminds us of why this place is so important and special. The restoration is still considered a 50-50 possibility, so read this book to be reminded of why this structure means so much, and then make a donation to support the work ahead. Rating: Four-star (I like it) Click here to purchase Notre-Dame from

1 comment:

  1. a college teacher i had once described the interior of a cathedral as resmbling a woman's vagina. I'm not sure what course that was, maybe psychology.
