Racing. No matter what opinions and perspectives a reader holds relating to public education, there are facts and viewpoints that will please and infuriate after reading Steven Brill’s new book,
Class Warfare: Inside the Fight to Fix America’s Schools. Journalist Brill has contacted scores of sources for the material in this book, and he assembles the narrative with such great skill that the almost 500 pages flew by for me. Whatever you’ve heard or know about No Child Left Behind, the Race to the Top, school funding and charter schools, there’s something new to learn and understand thanks to Brill’s excellent writing. One of the kernels of new information that I picked up was just how large a financial hole Mayor Bloomberg of New York City will leave behind for taxpayers thanks to the generous labor contracts with teachers that he negotiated to get re-elected. Every reader is likely to learn something new and close the book felling positive about the passion with which many individuals are working to fix our schools, and with frustration about how hard this job will be.
Rating: Four-star (Highly Recommended)
Click here to purchase Class Warfare from
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