Thursday, January 10, 2013

This Is How You Lose Her

Voice. Junot Diaz reprises his well-developed character, Yunior, in nine short stories collected under the title of one, This Is How You Lose Her. Diaz knows how to riff about love: passion, heartbreak, mistakes, falling head over heels. Yunior’s longing for love and his ease for losing what he most desires, made me laugh and wince. Diaz does an outstanding job of presenting well fleshed out characters quickly, and using imagery and dialogue to allow readers to enter into their world. You may not like Yunior, but you will understand him. You will also understand the parade of women he loves and loses. I paced myself by reading one story at a time. That gave me time to reflect and to savor the treat of Diaz’ fine writing. Readers who love crisp writing with a distinct voice should take a look at this well-written collection of stories. Rating: Four-star (I like it) Click here to purchase This Is How You Lose Her from

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