Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Generals: American Military Command from World War II to Today

Stars. Readers interested in the American military or leadership are those most likely to enjoy Thomas E. Rick’s book, The Generals: American Military Command from World War II to Today. Ricks explores an interesting question: why is it that the generals in World War II were respected and successful, while most since then have failed. I found this book to be well-researched and presented with clarity and insight. Ricks explores the isolation of modern generals, who are treated like rock stars. There’s a modern bias toward conformity and a culture of entitlement. Because rotation takes place so often leaders don’t know their subordinates. Leaders are rarely relieved of duty when they fail. The model of effective military leadership, George Marshall, behaved quite differently when he fired ineffective generals and rewarded individuality by selecting the right person for the right job. My blood boiled when I read Rick’s insight into some of our modern generals. Rating: Four-star (Highly Recommended) Click here to purchase The Generals from amazon.com.

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